Claudio Naranjo
Claudio Naranjo (Valparaíso, 1932 – Berkeley, 2019) was a Chilean psychiatrist, psychotherapist and anthropologist, one of the world’s leading exponents in the field of Gestalt psychology. In his last interview for the film Viananda, he delved into themes like the the nature of the mind, emotions, instinctuality, patriarchy and a new education as way for change.
Roberto Maria Sassone
Roberto Maria Sassone (Palermo, 1950) is an Italian psychologist and psychotherapist. In the documentary he outlines our functioning (mind-emotions-body), the analysis of character structure, education and inner research, combining themes of psychotherapy and spirituality.
Riane Eisler
Riane Eisler (Vienna, 1931) is an Austrian historian, sociologist and author naturalized American. She proposes for Viananda a model of economics that focuses on caring for people and the Earth. She also analyses past and current domination systems, proposing a partnership alternative.
Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard (Aix-les-Bains, 1946) is a French Buddhist monk and writer. He combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific knowledge to propose an integrated vision of ourselves and the world. He delves into the study of the mind, secular spirituality and educational models devoted to the development of fundamental human qualities.
Pier Luigi Luisi
Pier Luigi Luisi (Piombino, 1938) is an Italian chemist and scientist. He gives in the film some hints about systems thinking, as a holistic scientific approach fundamental to overcome the old conditioning of mechanistic science and to face today’s crises and problems.

Li Kehua
Li Kehua is a contemporary dancer and choreographer from China. Professionally trained in classical dance, Chinese folk dance and contemporary dance integrating the study of Yoga and Tai Chi.

Black Widow
The Black Widows are an Italian dance group, created by choreographers Urban Theory, that performs Tutting, a dance style based on the ability to create geometric positions through arms and hands.